Three to Five Program Dance Studio
Leap Forward Childcare is fortunate to have an on-site dance studio for the children and educators to use at their leisure, enhancing programing while providing an additional child proof space to explore. The children and educators take regular field trips to the dance studio. These regular field trips present opportunities for the children to investigate a large, bright and open space with their daycare friends and teachers.
The dance studio is equipped with 1500 square foot sprung hardwood floor, floor to ceiling mirrors and huge windows. In the dance studio, there is an acoustic piano for sing-a-longs, ride on toys for the children to ride on, and toys, balls and other such items for free play activities. Props such as scarves, musical instruments and ribbons are also enjoyed by the children.
During regular field trips to the dance studio, children are presented with structured movement and music activities to participate in as well as an extended time of free play. Music is often playing in the background which naturally encourages an exciting time of dancing, singing and playing.